Friday, August 25, 2006

No Cavities!

We started our day with a trip to the dentist. This was the first dental appointment for either kid. Tyler went first while Danielle anxiously watched. As the dentist tilted the chair back I saw Tyler take a deep breath. That was the only indication he was a little nervous. He was so brave, and he did such a good job! Of course the dentist thought he was hilarious. When he was done Danielle bravely hopped up in the chair. Tyler did such a good job with his exam that Danielle wasn’t afraid for hers. (Which is why I had him go first.) Even so, he stood beside her and patted her hand. He talked and joked with her about the spit sucker-upper thingy and even kissed her hand once. Danielle did a great job, too! Neither kid had any cavities and both left the office with sparkly teeth, new toothbrushes, and positive first experiences at the dentist.

Earlier I promised the kids we would go to the store after their appointments and pick out new toothbrushes that spin. I took them to Walmart where Danielle picked out a princess toothbrush and Tyler picked out an astronaut toothbrush. They were very excited about their new toothbrushes and their sparkly teeth (which they kept showing me).

After our trip to Walmart we were just up the street from Ron’s office, so we stopped there next to take him to lunch. We went into the office building because the kids wanted to visit his office again. Outside of his building are huge painted cement balls that are spaced across the front of the building. These have always interested the kids. As we were walking into the building today, Danielle draped herself across one of the balls and said, “I just love Daddy’s big balls.” Thankfully no one was around!

Once we got inside, we rode up the elevator with another woman. She started up conversation with the kids, telling Danielle she looked like a princess, etc. Tyler, still hyped up about his toothbrush, said he looked like an astronaut. More small talk. Then Tyler said to the lady, “Do you know what you look like?” I froze. Any number of things could come flying out of his mouth. “You look like a spaceship.” Ha ha ha. Since he had just been talking about astronauts, I think this went over ok. She laughed, too, so I don’t think she thought he was referring to her size (which thankfully was not as big as a spaceship). Nevertheless, I was relived when the doors opened.

After our visit to Daddy’s office and several trips to the water cooler, we left the building for lunch. Danielle was dancing along beside Ron on the way out. Once we passed through the doors and could again see the concrete balls, Danielle grabbed Ron’s hand and said, “Daddy, I really love your balls.”

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Okay, just picked myself up off the floor laughing. Tyler's daddy sighted a nun in full dress in the store when he was young and yelled, "Look, Mommy, it's a penguin!"