Sunday, August 06, 2006

Early Morning Surprise and The Sound of Music

Early early this morning (before the birds had started to sing) I had a rather rude awakening. I felt this spreading warmth sensation along my back. I rolled over to see Danielle's rear end right up against where my back had been. She must have felt the warmth at the same time (and realized it was coming from her) because she started to scream. So, at 4 in the morning we were changing sheets, pjs, and undies in the dark (because we don't have anything over the windows in our room yet). I just don't understand why this kind of thing always has to happen on my side of the bed!

Much later this morning the kids enjoyed playing in my bathtub.

This afternoon Danielle (who was VERY moody today, possibly set off by the bed wetting incident) was crying because she wanted to play with the stuffed animal Tyler had been playing with. She cried and carried on for at least 20 minutes - heavy crying & sobbing with tears and everything. Tyler kept avoiding her so she wouldn't take his toy. He wasn't mean but wasn't going to let her have it either. Basically, he just ignored her. He was playing and having a good time. After awhile Tyler came into Danielle's room, and through her sobs, she again asked if she could have his toy. Slowly he handed it over and came to sit on my lap. I told him I was proud of him for doing something very kind. He said, "I know, but it was really hard." I can relate. It is hard to be kind sometimes.

Tonight Tyler was up late. He went downstairs in the playroom to play for a little while. I looked down at him and saw him standing in the middle of the room, arms extended, spinning around in circles. Oddly enough, I instantly thought of Maria in the Sound of Music, dancing and singing on those mountains. He hasn't seen that much floor space in at least 4 months. Makes me feel like dancing, too.

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