Monday, March 25, 2013

This & That

Today it has been 18 days since we planted our milkweed seeds. None of the pink seeds have sprouted. Those are the seeds that I harvested. I thought maybe they were just taking longer to germinate, but now I'm starting to wonder if I picked them too soon. I waited until the pods burst open, but maybe these just weren't ready yet. The tropical milkweed is doing much better. Many of them sprouted within a week. We had another little sprout poke through this morning, so 29 of 35 little pods have sprouts. 83% isn't too bad. Hopefully the others are just taking their sweet time.
Not sure what that look was about.
Danielle decided awhile ago that she wanted to learn origami. She bought a book with her Christmas money but it was too difficult to follow, so we returned it shortly after. She decided to attempt it again yesterday and looked for videos geared towards kids. She made a puppy, elephant, and bunny and they all looked really good! I especially like the puppy. The other thing I like is that she decided she wanted to learn how to do something and figured out what resources to use to do it.
Today was the first day of spring break and this is what we woke up to find:

Not very spring-like! We made the most of it by sleeping in and staying in our pjs all day. Honestly, I was relieved that no one asked to play outside in the snow today!

Tyler has finished all his self-study work and starts scuba classes tomorrow night. He has 4 classes, 2 this week and 2 next week. Each night they will spend an hour doing classroom work and then 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the pool. I was reading some of the text over his shoulder today and was doing the "mom thing".  I hope I'm making the right choice in allowing him to do this. I am trusting that he is mature enough to take this seriously and to know what to do if an emergency arises. I think I'm right, it's just hard to take that risk sometimes.

I found this in Danielle's school folder Friday. Apparently they didn't do much work on the last day before spring break. It may have something to do with the fact the teacher was leaving for the Cayman Islands the next day and kept checking the weather forecast. :) There was a bunch of girl stuff written on the paper, but I thought the part about her dream house was cute. I love that she wants a tunnel to Tyler's house, and it doesn't even have to be secret.

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