Friday, March 22, 2013


Wednesday was a really long day, for a lot of reasons. When I finally got to sit down a little after 9:30pm, I suddenly remembered that the next day was Tyler's half birthday and I hadn't made anything. I have to admit that I shed a tear at the thought of heading back to the kitchen in my exhausted state, but I did it. (I do realize it's a made up holiday, but we have had fun with 1/2 birthdays since they were little. I would have been disappointed with myself if I hadn't done anything for him.) Several days ago Tyler mentioned he'd like to have some cake pops, so I decided to surprise him with some of those.

This was my first attempt making cake pops. I made the cake from scratch, cooked them in my new Babycakes Cake Pop Maker (a Christmas present from my mom), and decorated them. Making them was kind of fun. Decorating them was not so much after a long day. I only decorated half the batch Wednesday night and conquered the other half the next day - that went better.  (The batter made about 4 dozen.) There is a lady in town who started her own business last year making and selling these. She obviously puts a lot of time into decorating hers, and they look amazing! They are also expensive (but worth it considering her labor), which is why I wanted to try making them myself. It was fun and I liked the results, but my friend has no need to fear any competition from me!!

I was exhausted by the time I finally made it to bed. I had to go in early to work Thursday morning but took a minute to surprise Tyler with a cake pop before leaving. He had forgotten it was his 1/2 birthday and was pleased that I remembered he mentioned wanting cake pops. He tried it and declared it was much better than the ones he had tried at his class Valentine's Day party. He raved about it for another minute or so, and, coming from my moody tween at 6:30am, that totally made all the effort worth it for me.

Since Tyler is 11 1/2 and cake pops do not hold candles well, we went with one candle and 11 1/2 cake pops. He was properly amused. The cake pops are really good, and did not last very long! I'm sure I will be making them again soon.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Clever! Looks like fun. Gotta love that smile.