Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spelling Words

Our school adopted a new spelling program this year. It seems like every year there is a new "core standard" of state requirements, and I'm sure this new spelling program somehow meets one of those requirements.

Students are grouped according to ability and each group has different spelling words. Initially I liked this system because in the past spelling words had been too easy. Neither Tyler nor Danielle ever had to study for a spelling test. Danielle is in the highest spelling group that I'm aware of, and has been working on prefixes and suffixes most of the year. Honestly, she still doesn't study more than about 30 minutes a week at most. (Tyler doesn't have spelling any more.) The words have become progressively harder, and there isn't any focus on what the words mean or how to use them - just on how to change words with similiar suffixes or prefixes. The kids are given a list of 24 words to study. 10 of the words will be on the test. 2 words that use the same rules will also be on the test.

These are Danielle's words for this week. I think they are pretty much ridiculous. How many 3rd graders do you know use the word "quintessence". In fact, how many 40+ year olds can even spell that word without relying on spell check?! (Not me!)

Danielle's teacher thinks the words for her group are difficult, too, so she has started telling them which 10 words will be on the test. That does make it a little easier, but if even the teacher doesn't like the system, maybe it's time to change it?! Surely there is something that is challenging, age appropriate, and has "real world" use.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

I cannot even think of the last time I heard the word "quintessence" used - and I don't think I could use it in a sentence with any certainty that I was using it correctly.