Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh What a Beautiful Day

Danielle found a more amusing way to express her dissent today:

"Danielle, would you please take a bite of your lunch?"
"Mommy, my answer is...NO!"

"Danielle, are you done going potty yet?"
"Mommy, my answer is...NO!"

A giggling Tyler and I had this conversation while I was tucking him into bed tonight:

"Mom, when I was in your tummy did you pee the bed a lot?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I was pushing so hard on your pee-holder thingy."

Today was just a perfect day weather-wise. I was so grateful to be outside enjoying the day with our children rather than stuck inside or in a cube. (Sorry to those of you who were.) We made the most of it. We went to a park before lunch. After lunch we went for a walk in the woods and then played at the play area at the metro park. By bedtime the kids were asking to be carried upstairs because they were so tired. That's how I know we had a good day - 2 exhausted kids. These are some pictures from today. Anyone know what kind of evil looking bug this is? It was about 3-4" long.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

What a great picture of Tyler! Maybe Rob will chime in on the bug identity.