Friday, August 31, 2012

For the Birds

With a little help from my brother, I found a ruby-throated hummingbird nest today. There were two babies in the very crowded nest. You can get a feel for how small the birds really were by looking at them in comparison to the leaves. My pictures aren't as sharp as I would have liked. I'm blaming it partially on the fact that the wind kept moving the branch the nest was on, which was not super close to begin with, and the fact that I still have so much to learn. But, I think they are good enough to share. I realize some of them seem a little repetitive, but I had a hard time picking & choosing.

Sticking his tongue out at his brother?


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Nice! What do they make their nest out of? My mom had some wrens in a nest in her fern that she sent us pictures of daily until they left. By the time they left, there was so much accumulated waste it was disgusting!

Lori said...

They make their nests out of moss, lichen, plant fluff, spiderwebs, & that kind of stuff. You can easily see the lichen on the outside of the nest in my pictures. There are a couple pictures where you can see the spiderwebs, too.

When we had the family of robins on our nesting box last spring, the mom would eat the babies' waste. That was disgusting, too, so I don't know which way is better! They do that to help keep predators from finding them.