Sunday, April 17, 2011

Morning Chores

I took the kids to a program at one of our metroparks this morning. They have a working historical farm, and we went to help the farmer with morning chores. We attended a program last summer and really enjoyed it. In fact, we were supposed to attend this program last summer, too, but had to cancel. This was just as good, and I'm glad we finally fit it in!

It was rainy and ugly out (which is why the sky looks so horrible in the pictures!), so I think that cut down on the turnout. Registration was full and there was a waiting list, but only one other family showed up. I have to admit that was kind of nice. We were the first ones there, so the kids brought in firewood and water for the house while the farmer was getting ready.

Once the farmer was ready for us, he kept the kids busy. They checked for eggs in the chicken coops and fed the chickens. Tyler & Danielle found 3 eggs. They were amazed that the eggs were still warm. They fed the horses, let the sheep out to pasture, milked the cow, fed & watered the pigs, and shelled some corn. They also checked for turkey eggs. The hen hopped off a nest as the kids walked in. She had just finished laying an egg, and it was still wet when the farmer picked it up. The kids had a great time. We walked around the farm a little more when the program was over, but couldn't linger too long because Danielle's softball practices started this afternoon.

We're looking forward to going back sometime this summer when the skies are blue and we can finish off our outing with a picnic lunch under a shade tree.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Wow, what a great program!