Tuesday, January 26, 2010

8 Year Old (Boy) Theology

While doing devotions with Tyler tonight, we read John 14:1-6. Verse 6 was also one of the verses he was supposed to memorize for AWANA last week. It says:

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

We discussed this verse before AWANA, and I wanted to be sure he remembered what it meant. After all, it's just a little (ok, a lot) important in the whole understanding of salvation and how you actually "get" it. Tyler was not feeling serious tonight, though, and after bursting into boisterous laughter, he explained that the only way to get to Heaven was for Jesus to eat you and then poop you out into Heaven. (Caleb might enjoy that interpretation.) I believe he was interpreting "through me" a little too literally. I also believe that God happily shared in Tyler's belly laugh tonight.


With the kids gone at school (and not really very patient with me when they are here) and the dogs not prone to posing nicely (they'd rather lick my face), I'm kind of stuck taking pictures of the birds at our backyard feeder. My neighbors must think I'm nuts. The cardinals won't cooperate, but the sparrows don't mind. I've been working on adjusting the white balance and focusing manually rather than allowing the camera to do it automatically. Of course, if I would finish reading the super gigantic book Ron bought me to explain all the processes, I might able to do a little more. I also got some pictures of a nuthatch today. When I enlarged the picture to check the focus, I noticed that I caught him in the act of extracting some insect eggs from the tree. Kind of cool, in a gross sort of way.


Wandering Writer said...

I think I'm having camera envy.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

That is cool! And yes, Caleb would LOVE that analogy!! Everything is poop related these days.