Monday, October 20, 2008

This and That

How do you know when your dog is really old? She'd rather be repeatedly bumped by the vacuum (which she once feared) rather than move to the other room.

Danielle had school pictures today. (I took this one.)

Before school today she asked me to read "Whoton Hears a Hort". It was a slip of the tongue, but we laughed about that for quite awhile. I had the opportunity to volunteer in Danielle's class on Friday. I was amazed at the differences in skill levels among the kids in her class, and very proud of Danielle. I think as the second child, we have the tendency to overlook her accomplishments. Not so much because they aren't noteworthy, but more because we forget exactly where she should be. She really is an amazing kid...and she's smart, too.

And speaking of smart kids, how do you scold your inquisitive 7 year old, who is supposed to be sleeping but is obviously reading, when he pops out of his room and says, "Hey mom, did you know that some people think hummingbirds look like flying rainbows? And their nests are made out of spiderwebs, leaves, and grass? And their babies are the tiniest baby birds in the world?" I love that he's discovering how wonderful books can be, even if he supposed to be sleeping.

Here are a couple pictures of the kids decorating the driveway tonight.

And happy birthday to Annalise. Tyler mentioned her about 3 different times tonight.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

I have a friend whose firstborn-a son was so intelligent and ahead of the curve that he made his younger sister look slow when really she was as good or better. The problem is that we as parents are learning with the first ones. That either makes it easier or harder on the ones to follow--not sure which.