Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today's Life Lessons

When you're thirty-something, you can't stay up until 1am playing a video game with your spouse & not feel the effects the next morning.

It makes you feel even worse to accidentally run over an animal (specifically a squirrel) when your inquisitive kids are in the car.

When a case of MRSA breaks out at your child's preschool and the letter they send home says several times not to panic, it makes you feel panicky.

Adding a Bible verse in the midst of the letter admitting the MRSA exposure does not make it better.

Tyler's "pee bubbles" often resemble certain objects. Once today they "looked like a smiley face" (or so I was told).

Chapstick leaves grease spots on EVERYTHING when it's left in your son's pant's pocket and laundered.

The smoke detector will blare endlessly when the fish sticks are left in just ONE minute too long.

You can do all sorts of fun and exciting things throughout the day, but the one thing the kids will rush to tell Daddy about when he gets home is the one brief moment you'd rather forget (like running over a squirrel).

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Wisdom beyond your years. Smiles!