Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Dear Daughter

Unfortunately, Danielle's personality is often overshadowed by Tyler's. I guess that's one of the drawbacks of being second born. There are moments, though, when her true (i.e. not directly influenced by Tyler) personality shines through and we are struck by her humor, her charm, and, well, just by her. We had some of those moments today. Here are my favorites:

Tyler's spirograph:

Danielle's spirograph:

We were playing a Barbie game on the computer this afternoon. An evil spell caused all the flowers to die & colors to fade in the enchanted forest. Watching the gray spread across the forest, Danielle said "Wow. The forest is really in dis-compare." [disrepair]

Before bed tonight, Danielle suddenly jumped into her "fighting stance". I've never seen her do this before and didn't even know she knew what a fighting stance was. It was hilarious.

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