Monday, January 14, 2008

Pavlov & Tyler

Tyler's #1 responsibility around the house is feeding the dogs. Every evening around 5:30 he feeds the girls. He grabs their bowls and inevitably bangs them together, just waiting for the predictable "Tyler! Stop banging those bowls!" This happens with consistency 6 out of 7 nights a week.

Tonight Hunter was taking forever to finish her business and come back in. It was dark, it was cold, and I had better things to do. Usually she comes, slowly but surely, when I call her. Not tonight. She headed to the opposite end of the yard. Finally, in a moment of brilliance, Ron jumped up and grabbed the dogs' bowls. He held them outside the sliding glass doors and banged them together, Tyler-style. Hunter immediately whipped around and ran back to the house.

I guess Tyler has us all well trained.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Mako runs when he hears the sound of something hitting his dish too :) I'm always amazed at how much he seems to be paying attention. Sometimes he jumps up when we say something that just rhymes with a word he looks out for (i.e. anything that rhymes with treat or outside!).