Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gelatin Oranges

My February Family Fun magazine arrived the other day with lots of good activity ideas. Today we tried making the gelatin oranges. (I looked for a link to the article, but I couldn't find one.) I couldn't believe how much the kids enjoyed this activity! It was super simple, albeit a little sticky, but it was the first thing they told Ron about when he walked in the door after work.

First we scooped all the orange out of the peel. We all got squirted & we giggled a lot. Then we mixed up some orange gelatin and poured it into the cleaned out peels (which were being supported in the jumbo muffin pans Ron gave me for Christmas). We cut up little chunks of oranges to add to 2 of the gelatin "cups". Then we placed them in the refrigerator to set. The kids enjoyed eating pieces of the oranges while we were making them, but what they enjoyed the most was squeezing the juice out of the pieces and into a cup. They certainly don't get that excited about orange juice when I pour it from the carton! We cut these up for dessert after dinner tonight and the kids just loved them!

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