Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Prayers and Presents

Tyler started off the day by telling me that last night after we put him to bed he stood looking out his bedroom window, praying to God. “I asked God if he would bring me a big plate of sushi when I get to heaven.” I wonder if God has ever heard that request before.

Tyler’s Bible story this week is about Jacob disobeying God and then having a dream about the angels on the ladder. Although Jacob had sinned, God still promised him good things. We were talking about that story today and decided to get out the kids’ Toddler Bible. Danielle wanted me to read the whole thing to her. We started with the story of creation (which was Tyler’s Bible lesson a couple weeks ago) and worked our way through the flood to the birth of Jesus and on to Him dying for our sins. After we were done reading, Tyler asked the question that I myself have tried to fathom many times. As he put it: “How did God get made?” Thinking about it eventually makes my head hurt. It’s difficult for our limited human minds to grasp the “He just always WAS” answer. How do I explain that to my 5 year old who still struggles with abstract thought? “No one made God. He’s God. He’s just always been here.” I didn’t get much in the way of a response, so I don’t know how that fit into his little brain. Maybe he can discuss it with God over a plate of sushi some day.

His main teacher was out sick today, so I suggested we pray for her before going to bed. He agreed. He clasped his hands, bowed his head, and said the sweetest, most perfect little prayer. It’s no wonder Jesus had a soft spot for children.

It’s been storming and raining on and off tonight. While I was putting Tyler to bed, the rain suddenly started pounding on the windows and roof. Tyler cuddled closer to me and said he didn’t like the thunder. I said, “It’s not thunder, it’s just really heavy rain.” He rolled over and I heard him whisper, “God, please make it not rain heavy any more.” Within seconds the rain completely died down until we could no longer hear it at all! I paused, wondering if it was going to start back up. (Oh ye of little faith!) Finally I said, “Tyler! Do you hear the rain?” “No.” “God answered your prayer!” He realized what had just happened and got a big grin on his face. Then I heard him whisper, “God, Thank you for answering my prayer.” I seconded his thanksgiving, but not for the same reason. "Thank you God for answering his prayer... so He knows You really are there and that You care about all his concerns."

Now, tell me this story doesn’t totally back up my belief that Tyler and Danielle are going to be special friends as they grow up:

When I pick Tyler up from school, he usually comes bounding out the door. When I picked him up today, though, he very slowly walked stiff legged out the door. He had a very serious look on his face. A little concerned, I walked toward him instead of waiting at the back of the van. He stopped and reached toward the pocket on the leg of his shorts. “I have a surprise for Danielle in my pocket.” He waddled toward me again. I fished in his pocket and pulled out 2 vanilla wafers, leaving behind a pocket full of crumbs. “I brought these for Danielle!” I put them in his hand and helped him into the van. He sang out, “Danielle! I have something for you!” He held out his hand and proudly presented them to her. “Oh! Thank you so much Ty! I love these.” “I knew you did! I really knew it!” He was so pleased with himself. I buckled him in and followed car #1 out of the lot.

Tyler continued: I didn’t tell my teacher. I thought she would be mad at me. I ate all of mine and then I asked for more. When the teacher gave me more, I hid some in my pocket for Danielle before I ate the rest.
Thank you so much Ty. I really like these.
I knew you would, Danielle. I was afraid they were going to fall out of my pocket. I felt something rolling down my leg, but it was just my backpack strap. Danielle, I’ll always bring you food. What don’t you like?
What else?
But what else? Mom, what doesn’t Danielle like? If my school ever has French fries I’ll definitely put some of those in my pocket for Danielle.

The two of them continued this conversation the entire way home. It was very clear that Tyler had specifically thought of Danielle while he was having snack and went out of his way to make sure she could enjoy some of what he was having…even if it meant he might get in trouble trying to do it. What a pal.

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