Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Band Concert

Tyler had his final band concert of the year on Monday evening. I am so impressed with how much he has improved over the course of 9 months. His Aunt Nikki has helped tremendously by giving him a few private lessons here and there. He really seems to enjoy playing, and I think she was a big part of that. His band teacher is a pretty great guy, too. He did a great job Monday evening. All the kids did. The first video is just the 5th grade playing one of their songs. The 2nd video is of both the 5th & 6th grades playing together. They sounded great!

5th & 6th grade bands

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Sounds like some future OSU marching band members in there.

Hope all works out for your district. Many times it sounds really worse than it is. I hope that's the case.