Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Another Winning Day

Mic check before hand
Today was the building declamation contest for the grade winners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th. Danielle did such a good job! I know I'm biased, but I think she did better than the majority of the older kids, too! In fact, I felt kind of sorry for the 4th grader who performed the same poem as Danielle. It wasn't nearly as good. After all 27 grade winners said their poems in front of approximately 400 people, the judges announced the top 2 for each grade and Danielle won! Yay! She will have to perform at the high school in a couple weeks, but I don't think that's a competition. I think all the winners from each of the schools in our district will recite their poems. I am so proud of her!!!
Waiting for the competition to start (and smiling at mom)
And the winners are...

Here is the video from her presentation. Sorry for the horrendous quality of the video! I had adjusted all the settings on my camera in an attempt to get a couple pictures on the distant, dark stage so that threw the lighting off. Plus, I just really stink at using my camera's video!! The video ends rather abruptly because I needed both hands to clap loudly! :)


Wandering Writer said...

It is soooo good!! Thanks for preserving it.

Lori said...

I do have better videos I took while she was rehearsing it, but I wanted to post her actual performance. Ron was impressed with how confident she was considering she was in front of so many people!