Monday, May 21, 2012


Can you tell not much is going on? This is why I've been filling space with bird pictures lately!

Here's what we've been up to: We had a baton performance this past Saturday. Danielle did her toss and caught it. 2 years later and the patio people finally came out to fix our patio on Friday. It looks much better and I am glad I can now plant some things in the narrow beds around the patio. I'm trying to pick plants that will attract a variety of butterflies. We'll see how that goes. I've planted a few things already, including tomatoes, which are not meant to attract butterflies! I realize tomato plants aren't considered a good landscaping plant, but they do so well in the beds! Danielle's first softball game is Wednesday. It's time to pick strawberries and we have to fit that in very soon! And, most importantly, the kids have 8 days of school left!

Now on to the bird pictures. Our hummingbirds are back but they are still a little skittish (and I am out of practice taking their pictures!). Can you find the one in the tree? I made it easy. Click on the picture to enlarge it and you should find her easily.

And another baby robin picture.

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