Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Fall Fun

Today I took the kids to the park for a scavenger hunt. They each had their own list of items to collect or photograph. We had a really good time! The kids commented several times about the beautiful fall colors and really seemed to enjoy our walk. They were so grumpy this morning, that, honestly, I didn't have high hopes for the afternoon. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised.

(Tyler took the picture of Danielle looking through the pipe. I thought it was cute.)


Wandering Writer said...

Can we order 8x10s of the one with the two of them hanging on the fence?

Lori said...

I uploaded it to shutterfly and shared the link so you can have one printed if you'd like. Let me know how it turns out!

Just think how much nicer it would have looked had I remembered to comb Tyler's hair yesterday morning! :)