Tuesday, February 09, 2010

More Snow Fun

We got about 6" more snow today. That was on top of the 14" already on the ground. Of course, school was closed again today, and has already been closed for tomorrow. We're supposed to get a couple more inches overnight and have blizzard like conditions tomorrow (high winds, low temps, etc). While some people are greatly inconvenienced by the white stuff, our little family happens to enjoy it. Ron has the kind of job where he can work from home if necessary, so he doesn't have to be out in it. The kids love playing in it, and I don't mind shoveling or being out with the kids. The snow is so pretty when it first falls, and there's something cozy about being shut up in the house together. If it's not going to be warm and sunny, it might as well snow. I don't know if we'll get to go out tomorrow if the wind is as bad as they're predicting and the temps are as low, but we made the most of today. Here are some pictures from our snow fun today.

Our attempt at a sledding hill.

Too deep to make a snow angel. (This was just the top layer!)

Clara loves the snow! It's so deep she has to leap to get very far. Old lady Hunter isn't enjoying it quite as much.

Our snow fort, with more snow on top.

Inside the fort (the 3 of us). It was warm and cozy.

They don't confine their wrestling to inside the house. I think she was trying to make him take a bite of a clump of snow. She might be sitting on him (or just getting off him) in the second picture.

1 comment:


Nice shot (snow fort..."in to out")