Friday, May 09, 2008

Soccer Pictures

While we were on vacation the soccer team had team and individual pictures taken. Since this is the first organized sport Danielle has played, I really wanted a picture. We contacted the photography studio and they made arrangements to let us come in and have her picture taken. (They wouldn't paste her head over one of her team mate's in the group picture, though.)

I took her in for her pictures today and left feeling a bit disappointed. It wasn't that the picture wasn't decent, it just wasn't wonderful. It was another one of those "I could do that just as good myself for much cheaper" moments. Danielle was disappointed she didn't get her picture taken in front of the soccer goal (since we were at the studio), so I decided to find a soccer field and take my own pictures. Danielle was in the mood to pose and fool around, and we had fun laughing together. (The poses were all her idea. I just asked her what she wanted to do.) Here are some of our pictures.


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Those are great! You should get into photography :)

Lori said...

Thank you, but my "subject" made it easy. She is so photogenic!

Wandering Writer said...

There's something to be said for the photographer too and Leah knows that.