Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Passing the Blame

The kids seem to be going through another "phase". They have been more disrespectful, apt to talk back, and less likely to listen lately. Of course, any behavior issue is always magnified when Ron is gone. My brother was quite the saint today. He stayed with Danielle while I helped in Tyler's class. Then he stayed the rest of the afternoon, through dinner, and until the kids went to bed. The kids misbehaved just as much while he was here, but it was nice not to have to face it alone. (Of course, every afternoon spent with my children probably decreases the likelihood that he will ever want his own children!!)

As soon as he left tonight I ushered the kids up to bed. I was so tired and frustrated with them that I denied them any bedtime stories and hurriedly tucked them in. I was very short with them because I feared I would either erupt with anger or melt into tears. I just wanted to get them into bed so I could shut their doors and walk away! My son, who was in trouble countless times tonight for not listening, kicking his sister, being disrespectful to his uncle, being disrespectful to his mother, and not listening (did I say that already?!) gave me a hug goodnight, totally missed the reason behind my mood, and said, "Mom, I will always love you, but I don't really like it when you act like this."

Sounds like something he may have heard once or twice (or a dozen times).


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

I don't know whether to cry or smile! Sorry you had such a rough day!! I guess that's a preview for me...

Lori said...

Well, I did think Tyler's comment was pretty funny, so it's ok to smile. :) Thank you, though.

Wandering Writer said...

Hey girls, as I've said before, sometimes a good cry in the shower helps get the smile back. Hang in there. This is training for the teen years--just kidding.