Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Keeping Cool

It got close to 90 here today. Casey was trying to keep cool by resting in the cool, moist sand. Usually she gets a little nervous when the kids are too close to her, but she didn't budge an inch this time. The kids thought it was funny and played around her. Of course, she could have stayed in the house, but for some reason the dogs like to be with us.

We had our lawn reseeded a couple days ago, so we have to keep in watered until the seed germinates. (Ron says he can't mow it yet, either.) It seems crazy to be watering this early in the season, but we have had a very dry spring. Anyway, the kids enjoyed cooling off in the sprinkler after dinner this evening.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Is that the same girl who wouldn't go on most of the water slides at the park because water might splash her head? . . .I didn't think so.