Monday, May 07, 2007

Homemade Bird Feeders & Videos for Daddy

In between preschool and t-ball practice, the kids and I made some homemade bird feeders using empty juice bottles, wooden spoons, and ribbon. (I'd like you to think I'm that creative, but I got the idea from the May issue of Family Fun magazine.) The spoons are supposed to catch the seed and make a nice perch for the birds. The kids enjoyed the relatively easy project, and we were able to do it all outside in the beautiful sunshine. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you'll notice the seed spilling out of Danielle's. That was my fault, not hers, and it is now fixed. The kids can't wait for the birds to discover the feeders.

Ron is out of town this week. Tyler and Danielle have both been working on "skin the cat" in their gymnastics classes. Today both of them finally did it and wanted me to take video for Daddy to see. Unfortunately you can't clearly see the huge smile on Tyler's face!

Here's some video I took at the park tonight while waiting for Tyler's practice to start.

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