Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Hard Day's Work

Since Tyler was old enough to toddle after me, he has been accompanying me to garage sales. He used to really enjoy playing with the toys while I looked for bargains. Then he discovered the lemonade stand. For the past 2 summers Tyler's favorite part about going to garage sales has been finding a little kid who is selling lemonade and buying as many cups as he can talk me into. Last year Tyler decided we should have a garage sale so he could sell lemonade, too. Since we were in an apartment all summer, we didn't really have the chance to let Tyler try his hand at selling. Today he got his chance.

We had a garage sale at our house today with Grandma C & Uncle Ron. Tyler had it all planned out: He wanted to sell pink lemonade, and the sign had to say "Icy cold lemonade". Not to be left out, Danielle wanted to sell something, too, so Uncle Ron suggested she sell homemade brownies.

Tyler was up before me this morning. He downed his breakfast, tossed on his clothes, and was ready to set up his little stand before Daddy & Danielle were even out of bed. Danielle finally joined Tyler, and they both put in a hard day's work! Tyler amazed us all by sitting diligently at his little bench almost the entire 5 hours! We were so impressed. Danielle did well, too, but she wasn't as serious about it as Tyler. Within the first hour they sold all the brownies. We put out a plate of Little Debbies so Danielle could keep selling stuff and sold all of those, too (except for the couple the kids ate). Tyler went through 6 pitchers of "icy" cold lemonade. Between the two of them, they earned a little over $25. They did look pretty cute sitting there, and I'm sure that contributed to their success. $25 may not seem like much, but when you consider most everything they sold was only 25 cents (with the exception of maybe 8 brownies), that was a lot of work! We were very proud of them.

(I thought this was a funny picture Grandma managed to capture. We know "icy" is misspelled. I didn't make the signs, but we're thinking that might have encouraged some sympathy purchases.)

After the garage sale they headed to the toy store to spend their earnings. Tyler opted for some Moon Sand, and Danielle chose a pink mommy monkey with a pink baby monkey. Fortunately the cashier was very patient while we counted out all those dollars worth of quarters!

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