Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

I had my first of two garage sales today. This one was at my brother's house. Ron stayed home with the kids so I could sell all their toys without protest. :)

When I got home, the kids surprised me with a giant pot of pansies, a card, and a cake. We will be gone most of the day tomorrow, so it was very thoughtful of them - and totally unexpected by me - to celebrate today.

The flowers were very pretty (as you can see). Hopefully I won't kill them.

The envelope for the card said "Mom" on the front, written in Tyler's writing. Inside both kids wrote their names. I don't imagine this will mean much to most people reading this, but I always feel a bit sentimental when I receive something in the kids' handwriting, even if it's only their names. It hasn't been that long since they couldn't write their names. I am reminded of how quickly they are growing when I look at the way their signatures are changing. Tyler is writing with upper and lower case letters now. His writing is not as shaky or as large as it was on my card last year. Danielle couldn't spell her name by herself last year. Now her letters are recognizable, and they were even in the right order this time. (She writes them in the right order, but she doesn't always place them beside each other in the right order.) Time goes so fast. (sniff sniff)

My cake was really neat. Ron did his homework and took them to a store that was allowing kids to decorate their own cakes. All he had to purchase was the bakery cake itself. As you can imagine, the kids really enjoyed decorating the cake. They were quite proud of the job they did and couldn't wait to show me. I thought it was beautiful, and it tasted good, too.

Tyler made something for me at preschool this year, too. He brought it home and promptly hid it. He hasn't told anyone what it is because he wants it to be a surprise for me. He's saving it to give to me tomorrow. I did get a look at the bag, though. In his precious preschooler writing it said "For: Mom Love: Tyler" I have a feeling that bag will mean just as much to me as the hand crafted gift inside.


Wandering Writer said...

I still get sentimental when I see my kids' handwriting too. Remembering today all the handmade jewelry--like the earrings that weighed so much my earlobes practically touched my shoulders. I loved them all.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

awe :')