Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tyler's Epicness

Tyler was pretty confident in his science fair presentation. :)

He actually gave it a couple weeks ago, but I saw this on the floor of the van yesterday and it made me smile. It was his first experience in putting together a real presentation. Just to get things started, I had him write out what he wanted to say. Then he read through it a couple times and put together notecards with just the highlights to help him remember what he wanted to say. No memorizing and no long, word-for-word sentences on the notecards. Then he practiced several times with his notecards. He did a great job. I was impressed. He said he received several compliments and the principal told Ron how impressed everyone was. I honestly think this will be the most important, long term skill he learns this year. Before I quit my job to be a mom, I had to give presentations a lot. Ron presents a lot. Knowing how to confidently stand in front of people and deliver a well organized presentation is a valuable skill to have.

I thought this was kind of cool, too: Danielle has the same teacher that Tyler had in 4th grade. (That was by choice because she is by far the best teacher...EVER.) Anyway, they are doing a poetry unit this week and are learning to write different types of poems. Every day they are learning a new style and for each one the teacher shows them an example to follow. The examples? All of Tyler's poems! I didn't realize she kept Tyler's poetry journal, but she did and she used his poems last year and this year to teach her classes. Danielle thought that was pretty cool. I do, too.

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