Thursday, January 19, 2012

Up, Up, & Away!

A couple months ago I ran across a photographer's blog that I really enjoyed. All his pictures were perfectly amazing, but some of them were just, well, fun. In several of the pictures it looked like his kids were flying. A lot can be done with editing software, and I'm really not prepared to invest enough time (or money) in figuring all that out yet, so I moved on. The other day I ran across someone else's blog about creating "levitating" photographs that did not involve post-processing fixes. The blog was interesting, the video was amusing, and I filed the information away in my "maybe someday" file. I told the kids about it a couple days ago, and Danielle wanted to try it. Obviously I need to work on my camera skills, but this was one of our attempts. It does kind of look like she is preparing to fly off into the sky superman style.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

I think it looks like she's flying :) It looks like Clara thinks so too!