Sunday, January 15, 2012

For the Birds

Our neighborhood cooper's hawk visited a few times today. Since the weather turned colder, my feeders have been pretty busy. I guess all the activity caught his attention. He was quite patient and even waited quietly in the neighbor's tree for a nice, long time, but he didn't have any luck today. Clara was outside when he landed on our playset. It took her a minute to notice him, then she raised the alarm. The dog's barking spooked a dark-eyed junco that had been hiding, and it took off, followed closely by the hawk. The junco darted back and forth a couple times and managed to escape those deadly talons.

I was able to snap a couple shots through the window before Clara started barking. He looks a little angry in the first shot.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Angry? or extremely stately?