Tuesday, April 08, 2008

That About Sums It Up

Ron is gone this week.
Danielle has a boo-boo that has caused her to lose the function of her left arm. (I'm just being dramatic, like her.)
Tyler was disappointed because his friend didn't call to invite him over (like they discussed) and was generally grumpy because he had to go to school on a nice, sunny day.
Danielle smooshed silly putty onto the WiiMote (to see the pattern) and it stuck to the controller like bubble gum.
I made them go to bed because I couldn't stand the fighting, and I just can't seem to get caught up on the housework after being gone so much the past 2 weeks.

That kind of sums up what's gone on around here today. I think Danielle captured it best in her prayer tonight, though:

"Jesus, please help me and Tyler be good tomorrow. And please help Mommy not to yell so much."



Wandering Writer said...

Being a single parent can suck--even if it is for just a week. But I love the way you handle it.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

I thought you hadn't updated your blog as often as usual. Where have you been the last two weeks?

Lori said...

My grandmother died. Before she died I spent several days keeping my mom company in my grandma's hospital room. When my grandfather died, I posted some pictures and a blog about him. I just can't bring myself to do it for my grandma. She was the most amazing, Christ-like person I've ever known. Every time I think about writing something about her, I find myself lacking for the right words. Plus, it would probably make me cry. ;)