Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just Stuff

Danielle came home from preschool with a song in her heart. It would have been more enjoyable if everyone else wasn't sick and craving peace and quiet...but it was still cute. She wanted Grandma C to hear it, too, so here it is. (She thought it might make you happy, Grandma.)

Tyler has the stomach flu and strep and has missed a couple days of school (and will miss a couple more). His friend brought his homework & grade card home today. Tyler's grade card couldn't have been more perfect this time. It's too bad he didn't feel well enough to thoroughly enjoy our praise!

One page of the grade card has a list of upper & lower case letters, numbers, and 30 sight words. For each item, the teacher indicates if he can both identify and write them (and produce each letter's sound). All the columns are now completed except for 6 words they haven't studied in class yet. As Ron and I were congratulating Tyler for all his "yeses", he asked if he could see the paper. He grabbed it and looked at the 6 remaining words. He said, "These are the words I can't read yet: 'for', 'me', 'one', 'little', 'are', 'here'." Ron and I cracked up, but Tyler totally missed the humor and repeated himself. When he was done, I replied, "Hmmm. It's too bad you can't read those yet."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danielle's song was beautiful and it did indeed make Grandma C. happy