Friday, February 22, 2008

Worked This Time

I guess the inside out pajamas worked this time. School was cancelled today and Tyler got to enjoy another snow day. It snowed, sleeted, rained, sleeted, and is currently snowing again. Maybe next time he can just turn his top or bottoms inside out and not both so we don't get quite so much winter weather all at once.

Ron made it home safely from his business trip around lunch time today (before the freezing rain), so we've been able to enjoy the weather from the warmth of home without worrying about being out in it. It's supposed to be better out tomorrow, which is good because we're taking the kids to see Disney's Princesses on Ice.


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Very artsy picture ;)

Wandering Writer said...

Can we have a contest to guess what it is? I'm guessing the grill outside?

Lori said...

Really? You can't tell what it is? I'll wait to see if anyone else knows.

Anonymous said...

I know, I know. It's the underside of the slide.

Grandma C.

Lori said...

Yep, it's the tunnel slide.