Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's Never Failed Me Yet

Ron and I knew full well when we agreed to let the kids have hamsters, they would probably lose interest pretty quickly. We figured the hamsters would eventually find another resting place – either hamster heaven or another home. We considered our home more of a pit stop for them on their little rodent journey through life.

As we expected, the kids’ interest has increasingly waned. Ron and I have gotten lazier about cleaning the cages, too. After 2 escapes in a week, a tiny puddle of hamster pee in Danielle’s dollhouse, and smelly hamster cages, Ron and I decided it was time to get serious about finding that other resting place. The problem? Every time we suggested to the kids we find new homes for the hamsters, dramatic weeping and gnashing of teeth ensued! Privately the two of us joked about hamster heaven, but neither of us could do such a thing (to the rats or our kids).

As I was cleaning a pile of hamster poo from the rat’s recent escape yesterday, it dawned on me: bribery. It’s never failed me yet. We offered to get the kids a “prize” if they would allow me to find happy new homes for the fat rats (as we so lovingly called them). At first it was a blanket dismissal from both: “No way!” “But I love my hamster!” That response was expected. I figured it would take a little time for the offer to sink in. Sure enough, when Tyler woke up this morning he declared he wanted to find a new home for his hamster and get a new Thomas railroad set. We entered into negotiations and I talked him down from the $100+ railroad set to a $10 matchbox set. One down, one to go. Danielle wasn’t so sure at first, but Tyler eventually convinced her too.

Before the kids could change their minds, I posted pictures on Craig’s List and begged someone to get them TODAY. With his mind now made up, Tyler was ready to go buy his new playset (as if he hadn't received ANY new toys lately). I told him we weren’t going to get anything until the hamsters changed their address. Several times today Tyler asked, “Has anyone blogged about the hamsters yet?”

After dinner tonight a mother and her preteen kids came to get Girl and Hamster. They had a hamster awhile ago but it died, and the kids had been begging for another. Sounded like a good home. Honestly, unless they said they were going to feed them to their snake, I would have let anyone take them. I was a little concerned the kids would change their minds, but they stayed strong. They held them one last time and asked the kids to take care of them. As the family left, they promised to email us their new names. And with that our fat rats moved out of our house and on to the next stop on their journey of life.

I went out tonight after the kids went to bed and bought their “prizes”. Did we bribe them? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Without question. Am I ashamed? Not a bit.

An amusing end note: As I was perusing Craig’s List later tonight, I noticed a want ad for a new hamster cage. The ad read: “We just picked up 2 hamsters off of craigs list and my daughter dropped the top off the cage and it broke. I sure hope the hamster doesn’t get away. I taped it the best I could for now but it is just a temp fix. I am looking for a free one or one that is VERY cheap.”

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