Thursday, January 18, 2007

Are You Talking to Me?!

This afternoon the kids and I went to the airport to pick up Ron. Timing is always so important when we pick him up. We have to be there early enough to get a spot where the kids can see him walking down the corridor, yet not so early that they get bored and start creating their own "entertainment". I timed our arrival perfectly today - we arrived 10 minutes before Ron's flight was scheduled to land. Unfortunately, his flight was delayed (again) and we had an hour's wait. The kids didn't want to walk around for fear they would miss Ron. Instead, we sat and waited. Every minute or so Danielle would ask, "Is Daddy coming yet?" We sat and talked and giggled while the hands on the clock slowly worked their way around. After Danielle asked "Now is Daddy coming?" for the millionth time, the lady next to me started laughing. Then she leaned over and said, "Your children are so well behaved! Most kids wouldn't be able to sit so nicely this long." And she was talking to ME! Ahhh...that felt good.

We don't go to the airport with Ron very often. Although it's a little easier now, I have a difficult time dropping him off and leaving him there. The pick up is always wonderful, though. Without fail, this beautiful tear-jerking scene plays out:
I see Ron before the kids do and point him out. They jump up and catch a glimpse of him. Then they take off, both of them, yelling "Daaaaadddddyyyy!!" all the way across the room. It doesn't matter how far away he is or who might be in the way. Ron becomes the only person in that airport and nothing can keep them from him. When they reach Ron, he bends down to them and they jump up and hug his neck (or whatever part they can reach), still squealing "Daddy!" It's as if he'd been gone months rather than days. The welcome he receives is fitting for a king, and it always always brings tears to my eyes.

Quite often this scene evokes "awes" from those sitting nearby. Today I caught the woman next to me wiping her eyes.

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