Monday, May 08, 2006

Feeling vindicated

I have two stories to share today.

First, I gave in today and did something I thought I'd never do. I checked my kids in to the play area at the grocery store. I have always had this feeling that the folks employed to bag my groceries were probably not screened carefully enough to watch my children. I don't mind if someone with a criminal record is tossing my bread and milk into bags, but I feel a little differently about that same person caring for my children. I wouldn't say that I've entirely changed my mind about my stance on this issue, but recent grocery trips have made me feel a little more desperate. So, after checking out the play area and security measures, I decided to risk them, er, I mean risk it. The kids were thrilled! And, they had a great time. All that leads me to my first little story.

On the way out of the play area today, the kids both got stamps on their hands. I noticed the inkpad the lady used was pink and said "Strawberry" on the front. This led me to believe the ink might be scented. So, on the way out to the car I asked Tyler if his stamp smelled like strawberries. He took a big whiff and said, "No. It smells like hands."

Story #2

Before getting groceries, I took the kids to the McDonalds down the street. It has an outdoor play area that they really enjoy. While we were waiting in line for our food, Tyler was being his typical, rotten, 4-year-old self. He was licking his sister, spinning around in line, pulling his sister's hair, making loud noises, hitting me in the get the idea. Harmless, yet annoying. The mom beside me (who had already sent her kids out to the play area) was giving me "that" look. I'm sure I even saw her shake her head. I attempted to ignore her and hurried out to the play area.

The other mother soon came out carrying food for her 3 boys. The oldest boy was just a little older than Tyler. Her boys came when called and sat down around the table. She passed out their food in orderly fashion. The oldest boy took his sandwich, neatly unwrapped it, and exclaimed, "Hot damn!" I thought his mother was going to fall on the ground. When she could finally speak, there was a lot of yelling. Feeling somehow vindicated, I patted Tyler on the head, and we finished enjoying our lunch.

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