Thursday, May 18, 2006

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Year #2 of preschool is almost history for Tyler. Only 2 more days after today. I have to admit that I'm glad. Running across town to reach his school (now that we've moved) hasn't really been a problem. And while I am somewhat excited that this unofficially means summer is here, that's not really why I'm glad either. Honestly, I'm glad I won't have to pick him up any more. Afterall, it's difficult to avoid making eye-contact with his teachers for this long!

I've adopted the "Don't-ask-and-hopefully-she-won't-tell" philosophy this year. I think I would have enjoyed his first year a little more had I come to embrace this philosophy sooner.

Now, I'm well aware my son is no angel. But, I just don't believe my son is the only one who hops down the stairs or sneaks a drink at the drinking fountain on the way to the bathroom. Surely he's not the only one who dances across the hallway because he doesn't want to step on a crack and break his mother's back? Or the only one that shouts out unrelated answers when the teachers ask questions at circle time? Or growls, just a little, when he's mad? Now, he might be the only one who yells "I'm going to kick your butt" across the playground (to no one in particular), but surely he's not the only one that, as he put it, "had problems with my brakes" (3 different times) or "accidentally got sand in her hair when we were digging to Africa"? ("Why Africa?" I asked. "Because we wanted to see if The Man with the Yellow Hat was still there.") I have a hard time believing my son is the only one who acts like an energetic, confident 4 year old little boy. (Allow me to be delusional.)

In addition to being extremely intelligent and articulate, I think there are a lot of other good traits he brings to class with him. Before going into his classroom today, he asked me if he could keep his jacket on "so I won't waste any time". How could a teacher not appreciate an enthusiastic learner like that? He walked in and saw they had the pet shop set up again. He excitedly said, "Oh! Thank you so much for putting out the pet shop again!" and ran right to it (with his jacket still on). How could you not appreciate such politeness and earnestness? I suppose it's all counterbalanced, though. When I picked him up today I asked him what he learned about. He said, "Pets" but quickly caught himself and added, "I mean poop and the turds that come squishing out of your body."

Ah...only 2 more days.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

