Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Farewell 2014

First, I want to share something we've been working on this year. It's based on an idea I saw online at the end of last year. We kept a glass with little pieces of paper clothes-pinned to it on the island in our kitchen the entire year. We used the paper to write little notes of accomplishments, happy memories, and other things we wanted to remember. Tonight we sat at the table together and took turns pulling those little notes out and reading them. All four of us enjoyed it, which is saying a lot. We laughed a lot and relived good memories. When we were done, I put the notes in a baggie, marked the year on it, and put them away in a safe place. We all agreed we want to do this again this year. I think it will be neat to look back on these in a couple years, too. It was really special.
Here are the moments & memories that top my list for 2014:

Snow & extreme cold definitely made an impression but we made the best of it...

Our trip to Key Largo...

Special times with our family & friends...


Celebrating accomplishments...
Danielle's 3rd Handwriting Contest win!

Basketball championship

Uncle Ron's first skydiving trip

Uncle Ron's first 1/2 marathon

Softball championship
6th grade camp - which was a big deal for Tyler

Trumpet solos and first dance. Stop growing up!!

First band concert

Watching Danielle play sports...

Special moments with my kids...

Special family moments...

We are ushering out 2014 pretty much like we did 2013: feeling grateful to God for all His blessings. We are all healthy. We have good jobs. The kids are successful and happy at school. We have a warm house, full cupboards, and reliable vehicles. We are surrounded by good friends and have both of our families relatively close by. But most importantly, we have each other.

And together we welcome 2015...Happy New Year!!

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