Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cookie Concert

Tonight was Tyler's 2nd band concert. They call it the cookie concert because every student brings a dozen cookies to share. After the concert, everyone eats cookies! Tonight's concert included grades 5, 6, & 7. It was interesting to hear the differences between the grades. It was even more interesting to see the physical differences between the grades! Something happens between 6th and 7th grades that makes them not look like little kids any more!! Yikes!!

Tyler did a great job! There were only 3 trumpets there tonight. There were several times when I could hear Tyler, and he sounded great every time! I was so proud of him! Thank you again to Aunt Nikki for giving Tyler a couple private lessons. I know those lessons helped his playing and his confidence level. There is one more concert this school year, and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to it.

Tyler wanted me to take this video for Aunt Nikki. He was practicing before the concert and he wanted her to hear it since she couldn't make it to the concert tonight.

Here are a couple pictures. Yes, he's wearing the same shirt, so I guess these pictures look pretty much like the Christmas concert pictures. Oh well. I'll try to find a different shirt for the last concert. :)


Wandering Writer said...

Did you mean to make your video private? I'd love to hear it too. Unless of course Tyler is willing to put on a one man concert for us when we get home ;-)

Lori said...

I did not mean for that to be private. Thanks for letting me know. It should be fixed now. I'm sure he would do a concert for you, too, though. :)

Wandering Writer said...

Great job! and great smile at the end!

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Nice job Tyler!