Friday, February 22, 2013

A Little More Practice

This is our last weekend for basketball. Danielle's team plays their first tournament game tomorrow morning. If they win, they'll play for the championship on Sunday afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon is a free throw contest. Each team gets to send a 3rd grade and a 4th grade winner to represent their team. Danielle was the third grade winner on her team. She is excited about getting to participate in the contest. Later today, despite the gray skies and chilly temperatures, she went out to practice her free throws. I love that no matter what she decides to do, she does it with all her heart. Once she commits, she's all in. That can be tough when she wants something she can't have or when we disagree about something, but overall, it's quite an admirable characteristic. I'm not in any hurry for her to grow up, but I am eager to see how this trait comes into play as she decides on a career and becomes an adult. She is such a neat kid. I know she will be an amazing adult.

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