Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Elf (& Some Snow!)

The howling wind must have made Candy Cane nervous last night. We found him camped out in the sleeping bag outside our door this morning.

The howling wind brought along some snow. It's our first snowfall of the season and it actually accumulated a little. The kids went out to play for a little while late this afternoon. The snow fall actually picked up around the time they went out, and the patio is fully covered now. Danielle's all-star softball days paid off. I opened the door about a foot to take a picture with my phone of the kids & dog outside in the snow. See that snowball she launched? Her aim was perfect. It made it right in the door and splatted on my leg and across the kitchen floor.


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

White Christmas!!

Candy Cane has got me thinking - last night it seemed like it took forever for the kids to all fall asleep so we could set things up, is it like that every night for you??

Lori said...

Sadly the snow is supposed to melt & disappear by tomorrow evening.

The only time it was a problem was when I was sick last week and wanted to go to bed early. Now that the kids are older, they are very good about not coming out of their rooms after we put them to bed, even if they don't fall asleep right away. They get up early enough for school, though, that falling asleep isn't too much of an issue right now, either. It was your Christmas Eve. I'm sure that made it harder for them to fall asleep!