Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Farm Pictures

Here are the rest of my pictures from the farm.

After our afternoon at the farm we stopped by the wetlands. Parts of the wetland were indeed wet! The kids and Grandpa had fun hunting for frogs. Probably against our better judgement, Grandpa and I let them walk around the bank of a very muddy area in search of frogs. The little frogs squeaked and hopped away as the kids got near. Grandpa and I had just decided that if either of the kids fell in the water, it was shallow enough we would let them find their own way out, when Tyler got his shoe stuck in the mud! Somehow he hopped out of it but couldn't make his way back to get it out of the mud. Danielle came to his rescue but lost her shoe in the process, too! Eventually all the shoes were collected and the kids made it back to solid ground, although quite a bit muddier than when they started.

There were tons of bluegill in one of the ponds at the wetland. I've never seen so many just hanging out at the surface, all staring at us!! This is just a small "sampling" of the bluegill out there.


Wandering Writer said...

Surprised Tyler didn't mention the bluegill when we were talking about fishing. They look ready to be hooked.

Lori said...

There were probably so many bluegill because you weren't allowed to fish there! They were teasing us.