Friday, June 17, 2011

Walking the Bridge

Today was the last day of Cub Scout camp. Unfortunately it was also the most boring. They didn't get to do archery or bbs. Instead, they spent the day reviewing everything they learned this week and taking the Webelo Challenge. I joined Tyler for the last couple hours and was bored bored bored. I'm glad the whole week wasn't like that, but I'm disappointed the last day was such a bust.

After all the patrols passed the challenge, they each crossed the bridge. I initially thought the bridge was supposed to represent their passage from Cub Scouts to Webelos but I think some of the kids are a little older and have already been bridged. So, I'm not positive what it was about, but it was probably the most fun part of the day. The theme to camp this year was Knights of the Round Table, so all the kids got crowns after they crossed. They also got a day camp patch, Webelos pin, and certificate...and a melty 3 Musketeer bar.

Although it was extremely humid today, the rain and storms held off until about an hour after camp was over. Here is a picture Ron took of our golf ball size hail.

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