Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For the Birds

Call me a geek if you'd like, but I went bird watching today. I ignored the cleaning, let the laundry pile up a little more, and shirked my other stay-at-home-mom duties. My brother joined me, and we had a nice morning out.

I am not a very good "birder". The birds need to be bright purple and jump up and down in order for me to find them most of the time. We went to a large cemetery/arboretum that is supposedly a good birding location and stopped at the main office to see if they could offer any pointers. I'm glad we stopped.

They told us that their resident great horned owl had two babies that were pretty easy to spot and gave us directions to find them. I was not disappointed! They looked so fuzzy. They were almost ready to fly, and the mom was not around. The babies were really big. I would have loved to see the full grown mama! I thought our trip was worth it just to see these guys "in the wild".

Here are some pictures of a few woodpeckers we saw. I like woodpeckers. They aren't purple and they don't jump up and down, but they do make lots of noise, which makes them easier for me to find!

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