Friday, April 16, 2010

For the Birds

Before this post goes to the birds, here is a token kid picture. I caught Danielle mid jump the other day and thought it looked kind of funny. It looks like she's walking but both feet are off the ground.

After I dropped the kids off at school this morning, I took my camera and headed to the metropark. The last time I was there early, I saw some deer and was hoping to get some pictures of one today. I walked as quietly as I could to the bench along the path in the woods, sat, and waited. I waited for quite awhile but didn't see anything more than a robin and a squirrel. So I slowly headed down the rest of the path, still hoping to see something. I still didn't see anything. I finally decided to call it quits, turned my camera off, and headed back to the car. Suddenly I heard a rustling noise behind me. I whipped around in time to see a deer dash across the path right behind me and run through the woods. It was like she was waiting until she knew I'd given up! The joke was on her, though. I managed to get a picture anyway. Can't you see her?

You can't find her? Maybe this will help.

Yep, I only got her rear end. The kids thought that was hilarious.

I walked the direction the deer was headed, but I didn't see her again. I decided to sit and watch the birds at the birdfeeders instead.

Mr. & Mrs. Eastern Bluebird. Mrs. Bluebird was looking right at me.

A red bellied woodpecker.

I stopped at another park on the way home and saw these beautiful tree swallows. Their feathers were so shiny in the sunlight. As I was walking closer to the bird box to get a better picture, I heard a noise at my feet. When I looked down, I found this guy about 3' away from my feet! I wasn't paying any attention to what was on the ground, and I'm so glad I didn't step on him!!


babbler said...

Great photos! I love your blog!
Mrs. Slug

Wandering Writer said...

Good shots, Lori! If you want deer pictures, come sit on our deck ;-) For that matter, you can get great shots of ducks, geese, gophers, and the occassional 'possum. I really am having camera envy thought.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Nice pictures! My favorite is the bluebirds. What kind of snake is that?

Lori said...

Thanks for the compliments, ladies. :)

Leah - It's a garter snake. They're relatively common around here as far as snakes go. They're relatively harmless, too, but I still wouldn't want to step on one!