Saturday, May 23, 2009

TBall & Fishing

This morning was Danielle's first tball game. She did great! She even managed to hit the ball the first time she was up! Her batting helmet was too big and kept flopping around, so she had a little trouble running, but she did well anyway. It was a lot of fun watching her.

Later this afternoon/evening we went fishing at a nearby state park. This was our first time at this park and at least one of us would say it was a perfect place to fish. Tyler ended up catching 7 fish! We'll just say the rest of us didn't do nearly as well and leave it at that. A small water snake crawled up on a rock in front of Tyler to finish his dinner. It was actually pretty interesting but I didn't think everyone would appreciate the video I took of him eating. Our late day fishing trip made us all eager for the lazy days of summer! (Only 8 more days of school!)

We had a really good day!

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Seven fish and good sized too! Love the pic of boy and dog. The ovesized batting helmets seem to add to the enjoyment of watching Tball, don't they?