Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Perfect Tree, Part 2

Well, it turns out our tree isn't exactly the most perfect one we've had. Now that it's all fallen out, we can see that it's shaped a little funny. But once the lights and ornaments were in place, it looked better. Tinsel can cover a multitude of imperfections, so we'll add some once I get to the store this week.

Tyler vacummed up some of the needles after we put the lights on. He's using the $15 shop vac I picked up at 5am at Walmart on Black Friday!

The kids enjoyed decorating the tree. It's so funny to watch them clump everything in one spot. They really enjoyed looking at all the ornaments, too.

Our "nearly" perfect tree (minus the tinsel and tree skirt).

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Looks pretty. Even minus the tinsel ;-)