Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Perfect Tree, Part 1

Although the high temperature today was only 27 degrees,

and Christmas shoppers were out in hordes, causing bumper to bumper traffic,

we set out in search of the perfect Christmas tree.

We wanted a big one, but not too big. (This one was $200!)

2 1/2 hours later we finally settled on the tree. It took so long because traffic was so bad driving from place to place. Despite the time, the kids were very well behaved. The gently falling snow just added to the experience.

Once we got the tree home and cut all the netting off, we found a praying mantis egg case on one of the branches. We decided to keep it to see if any hatch. I'm doubtful, but thought it was worth trying.

After church tomorrow we'll decorate the tree. I'll post more pictures then.


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Wow - do you have a lot of praying mantises in Ohio? How did you know that was what that was?

Lori said...

There are a lot but they're not always easy to spot. When Ron and I were dating/first married, I worked for an interesting old guy. On a whim he bought a bunch of praying mantis egg cases and stuck them in a giant plant he had growing in his store. We found some egg cases in a Christmas tree we had another year, but we threw them away. That was before I would have considered it an "opportunity to educate". :)

Wandering Writer said...

So, in addition to learning how to use all the Taylor Rental equipment, you learned about praying mantises too?

Lori said...

Yep, and I can change the oil in a Bobcat, too.