Monday, November 03, 2008

Tyler's Pick for President

Tyler’s Weekly Reader was about the election, so after discussing it today, his class voted for president. Ron and I rarely discuss politics in front of the kids, so I didn’t think he knew who we’d vote for. Since kids usually hold the same political and religious views as their parents, I was eager to hear who he voted for.

This was our conversation:

Me: “Well, who did you vote for?”

T: “Barack Obama. But when I first heard his name, I thought it was Broccoli Obama.” (giggle giggle)

I was genuinely surprised. I guess I thought he’d pick the grandpa-like guy.

Me: “Obama! Why did you pick him? He doesn’t believe some of the same things we believe.”

T: “Have you seen them?! Have you seen the other guy? He’s fat!”

I didn’t expect that answer either! I looked at the pictures in his Weekly Reader. To be fair, McCain’s cheeks did look a little puffy.

Me: “He’s not fat.”

T: “Yes he is. Have you seen his whole body?”

We moved our conversation outside at this point and continued it as Tyler got ready to ride his bike.

Me: “So, you voted just based on appearance?”

T: “No. Well… you know how America has the eagle? Well, one guy has the elephant and the other guy has the donkey. I like the donkey better, so I voted for Obama!”


Anonymous said...

Just as good of an argument as some people, but I still have to disown him.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

haha! Rob took Caleb to a McCain rally a couple of weeks ago, so he's had plenty of outside influence in picking his choice! But he likes the way Obama's name sounds too. The other day while we were at Target, he kept pointing to different men and asking me, "Is THAT Barak Obama?"