Monday, March 10, 2008

Paper Mache Eggs

I have wanted to attempt paper mache with the kids (yep, I'm nuts), so I thought a nice, easy project would be to make giant Easter eggs.

After seeking advice and looking up recipes on the internet, I decided not to spend any money on a project that may or may not work and opted to make my own paper mache paste. I used a mixture of water & flour. I don't know how well it will harden yet, but it was easy enough to make & work with, and was very easy to wash off our hands when we were done. I don't intend to store these after Easter, so I wasn't worried about our projects getting moldy either.

Turns out Tyler likes sticking his hands in paper mache paste about as much as he likes sticking his hand in pumpkin guts - not one bit! He tried one strip and declared he'd had enough. Danielle really enjoyed it, though. Here are some pictures from our first layer. I'll post more when we get to the painting phase.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

I think Tyler's reaction has something to do with that male repulsion to changing diapers;-)
His father wouldn't do paper mache at that age either.