Monday, November 05, 2007

Learning to Read

When Tyler was little and learning to talk, it seemed like his vocabulary would multiply over night. I remember being amazed many times at how many new words he just seemed to absorb over the course of a day. I feel the same way now that he is learning to read. The words he can spell, or even just recognize, are multiplying by the day.

He has been able to read this book (The Hat) for a couple months, but it's even easier for him now. Although this book uses rebuses, at this point he knows how to spell and read the actual words the images represent! Here are a couple videos I took of him reading yesterday (before he got sick). You can tell he wasn't feeling too bad yet because he's being a smarty pants (dracula=bat). And yes, the "oww" is because I poked him.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Great Job Tyler! (Caleb was enthralled ;) )